Jakarta – The TNI AU has found the flight data recorder of the Super Tucano fighter aircraft with tail numbers TT-3111 and TT-3103. The two flight data recorders have now been secured at Air Squadron 21 Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base, Malang.
This was conveyed by the Kapuspen TNI Laksda TNI TNI Julius Widjojono regarding the development of the incident involving the crash of the Super Tucano TT-3111 and TT-3103 tactical fighter aircraft in Pasuruan, East Java.
“Both are components in the aircraft to store flight data, namely the voice and data recorder/net-centric data cartridge. “It’s not a black box,” explained the Kapuspen TNI in Jakarta, Saturday, (18/11).
As is known, the Center for Airworthiness and Aviation and Work Safety Team (Puslailkambangja) and the Engineering Squadron Team from the Indonesian Air Force were at the location of the two planes that had crashed. Both teams have obtained some data which will later be investigated. The TNI AU is currently still focusing on securing information about the crash of the two planes.
The two TNI AU EMB-314 Super Tucano tactical fighter aircraft belonging to Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base 21 Air Squadron that crashed were part of four aircraft carrying out a formation flight proficiency mission (flying in formation).
The problem occurred when the four planes were blocked by thick clouds. At that time, the pilots stated that they did not have adequate visibility so they finally dispersed the formation. It was after the formation disbanded that two of the four planes crashed during a flight mission in Pasuruan, East Java, Friday, November 17 2023. Bembo