Bandung – The Polda Jabar deployed hundreds of personnel to secure the function test process for the Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) Bandung. The Jakarta-Bandung fast train function test will take place from May 17 to August 15.
Karo Ops Polda Jabar, Kombes Pol Budi Wasono, said, there are 72 critical points along the Jakarta-Bandung fast train line.
“Security at vulnerable points involves as many as 146 personnel from the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit. While other areas are carried out by personnel from the Bandung Police, Bandung Police, Cimahi Police, Purwakarta Police, and Karawang Police,” explained Budi, in a written statement, Wednesday, (24 /5) yesterday.
“This step was taken to minimize as well as anticipate various possibilities that could disrupt the fast train line,” he added.
Apart from the West Java Regional Police Mobile Brigade personnel, Budi said, the Bhabinkamtibmas were also involved at the regional level. They are tasked with socializing the community around the KCJB route.
“Bhabinkamtibmas personnel are tasked with advising the public not to approach the railroad tracks,” he said.
His party anticipates that people will not fly kites within a one-kilometer radius from the high-speed train line area. According to Budi, the kite thread that hits the KCJB line of electricity is very dangerous.
“We will comb a radius of one kilometer from the route, no one is allowed to play kites. This seems trivial, but it is very dangerous because the electricity on the KCJB line reaches 27.5 KV,” he said.
According to Budi, during the week the KCJB line function test was carried out, his party continued to evaluate it with PT Kereta Api Indonesia China (KCIC).
The vulnerable points found in the field, he added, were mostly in the form of paths that had not been installed with safety fences.
“We evaluate with KCIC every day. KCIC followed up the critical points that we found. Hopefully these vulnerable points can be resolved before August 15th,” he said.
Separately, the Director of KCIC, Dwiyana Slamet Riyadi, said that an increase in the speed of function tests can be carried out after all the initial preparations for testing and commissioning have been successfully carried out.
“Various tests of the readiness of KCJB infrastructure facilities that were carried out previously have been running smoothly. Based on the evaluation, starting today the travel speed of the fast train will be increased to 180 km/hour,” he said. Bembo