Samapta Polda Metro is Always Motivated and Always Provides Comfort in the Community

Director of Samapta Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Zainudin and patrol personnel of Samapta Polda Metro Jaya.

Jakarta – Samapta is a part of the Polri which has the task of controlling society. Apart from that, Samapta can also be called a regional directorate which has a community control function.

Quoted from the Polri Sabhara Baharkam Corps page, Samapta is usually formed in the regions and is under the auspices of the Regional Police (Polda). Historically, the name Samapta comes from Sanskrit which means alert and ready.

Turning to its function, Samapta is tasked with maintaining security and public order. However, they are not trained for direct field combat.

In carrying out his duties, Samapta carries out his role like the police in general. Starting from escorting, guarding, to first action at the crime scene (TKP).

It doesn’t stop there, Samapta also has special duties. Among these are animal control from bloodhounds to horse animals. Usually, this special task is carried out by the K-9 sub unit within Samapta’s own body.

Apart from that, they can also carry out other tasks such as taking action against minor crimes (Tipiring), negotiation tasks, or even SAR assistance.

“Samapta personnel have the main task of maintaining security and public order. And it must be noted, the personnel are not trained to fight directly in the field, in their duties,” explained the Director of Samapta Polda Metro Jaya, Pol Kombes Zainudin at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Friday, (3/11).

Furthermore, continued Kombes Pol Zainudin, Samapta in its duties also always prioritizes polite actions or preventive steps. They have the authority or power to carry out patrols in areas that are at risk of criminal activity.

Of course, this is in line with one of Samapta’s main tasks, namely eliminating opportunities for members of the public who plan to violate the law.

For the Samapta Polda Metro Jaya itself, Kombes Pol Zainudin continued, until now it continues to make continuous improvements. Starting from patrol equipment to refurbishing facilities such as the Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Directorate office so that it feels and looks more comfortable.

“Samapta Polda Metro Jaya is always motivated to provide a sense of comfort in the community. Moreover, Samapta Polda Metro Jaya is a benchmark for other cities in terms of community control,” Kombes Pol Zainudin said.

“Just like now, for example. Samapta Polda Metro has started carrying out security control simulations for the presidential and vice presidential elections in 2024.”

“Samapta Polda Metro also collaborates with related agencies to motivate, protect and protect the community. In essence, Samapta Polda Metro Jaya is ready to provide the best service to the community when the wheels of the 2024 Election process are turning,” he continued.

Three Task Units

To dig a little from the contents of the thesis entitled “The Relationship Between Grit and Work Engagement in Police Members of the Directorate General of Regional Police of Regional X” by Nova Rufianti, the Samapta Polri apparently has three task units.

First, there is a patrol unit in the form of a Polri operation which functions to prevent intentions or opportunities to commit crimes.

Then there is the mass control unit which provides protection and guidance to a group of people who are expressing their aspirations in a public place.

And the last or third is the headquarters guard unit to secure the command headquarters or the surrounding environment. Bembo

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