Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin, a 1992 Akpol Graduate Who is Capable of Leading the Ditsamapta Polda Metro Jaya

Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin (Foto: Instagram @ditsamaptapmj)

Jakarta – Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin has led the Samapta Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya since January 13 2023. He replaced the position of Kombes Pol Hari Wibowo who was transferred to Danpasbrimob III Korbrimob Polri.

Kombes Pol Ahmad Zaenudin is a mid-level officer in the production of the Pratisara Wirya Battalion from the Police Academy (Akpol) 1992. Before occupying the position of Dirsamapta Polda Metro Jaya, this man who was born on March 12 1968 also carried out a number of important tasks at the Polri.

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As Director of Samapta Polda Metro Jaya, Komnes Pol Ahmad Zainudin at that time immediately made a breakthrough in spreading the RW Police, which incidentally was the idea of ​​the Kapolri, Jenderal Pol Listyo Sigit.

At the end of last March, Kombes Pol Ahmad Zaenudin released 160 RW Police who were distributed to 25 RWs in the Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi areas.

The RW police are tasked with listening, taking notes, analyzing and then resolving every problem faced by the community.

Based on data held by topikonline.co.id, Kombes Pol Ahmad Zaenudin is known to be quite experienced in the field of Samapta. His last position was Head of the Pamwal Roprovos Division of the National Police Propam Division.

Samapta itself is a substitute name for Sabhara. The term Sabhara was replaced with Samapta based on the Decree of the Kapolri Number: Kep/53/X/2002 and Pol Number: Kep/54/X/2002. In this decision the term Sabhara was renamed Samapta.

Samapta is a part of the Polri unit which has the task of controlling society. Apart from that, Samapta can also be called a regional directorate which has a community control function.

Quoted from the National Police’s Sabhara Baharkam Corps page, Samapta is usually formed in the regions and is under the auspices of the Regional Police (Polda).

Historically, the name Samapta comes from Sanskrit which means alert and ready.

Samapta has the main task of maintaining security and public order. However, the personnel were not trained for direct combat in the field. In carrying out his duties, Samapta carries out his role more like the police in general, namely carrying out escorts, guarding and taking first action at the crime scene (TKP).

Apart from that, Samapta can also carry out other tasks such as taking action against minor crimes (Tipiring), negotiation tasks, or even SAR assistance.

Seeing these important tasks, of course you need a qualified figure as commander. Moreover, Samapta is in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya which has its own challenges considering its status as the National Capital, business center and center of government. And it is all owned by Kombes Pol Zainudin.

Judging from his position history and experience, Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin is indeed worthy of occupying the position of Dirsamapta Polda Metro Jaya.

Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin was the Kapolres Banyuasin, Polda Sumsel for the period 2010-2012. After leaving Banyuasin, Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin served for a long time at the Polda Banten.

He also served as Wadirlantas for the Polda Banten  in 2012, Kabid Humas for the Polda Banten, and Wadir Binmas  for the Polda Banten Regional in 2018.

After five years at the Banten, Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin’s career is increasingly climbing. He is believed to be the Head of the Pamwal Roprovos Division of the Polri Propam Division.

In accordance with his position, Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin has the task of supervising the activities of Polri members and units, both at the central and regional levels.

After around four years of serving as Head of Pamwal Roprovos Division of Propam Polri, Kapolri Jenderal Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo finally trusted  Kombes Pol Ahmad Zainudin to serve as Dirsamapta Polda Metro Jaya via Telegram Letter Number ST/2775/XII/KEP/2022 dated December 23, 2022. Bembo

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