Kapolrestro Jakpus is Doubtful that Block G of Tanah Abang Market Will Be a Place to Use Methamphetamine

Kapolrestro Jakpus Kombes Pol Komaruddin greets traders when visiting and checking Block G of Tanah Abang Market, Thursday, (13/7) yesterday afternoon.

Jakarta – Kapolres Metro Jakarta Pusat Kombes Pol Komarudin doubted the location of Block G of Tanah Abang Market as a place to use crystal methamphetamine.

The reason, he said, was that Block G of Tanah Abang Market was dark and uncomfortable.

“If it’s used for people who use drugs, it looks like they don’t. Because what we know, to carry out activities like that, he (a drug user) needs lighting,” he said.

“Just saw it for yourself, it’s dark. To be used as a place for drug use, it’s unlikely,” he continued.

Even so, he did not want to underestimate the information on Block G of Tanah Abang Market as a location for drug abuse. His party will increase security to anticipate drug abuse and other criminal acts at the Tanah Abang Market.

“We can’t dismiss this information. Because it could be done. It’s called a reckless person, so it’s possible. But as for using methamphetamine in a place like that, we have some doubts,” said the officer who graduated from the 1997 Wira Pratama Battalion, Police Academy.

Kombes Pol Komaruddin conveyed this after visiting and checking again Block G of Tanah Abang Market, Thursday (13/7) yesterday afternoon. He walked every floor, including the location where he found a drinking water bottle that had been made into a bong.

While on the tour, he, who was accompanied by the Wakapolsek Tanah Abang Kompol Hans Philip Samosir and the Manager of the UPB Tanah Abang Market M Yamin, also took the time to greet the traders who were still selling in the Block G building. Bembo

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