Kapolda Metro Jaya Rotates 37 Kapolsek, See The List

Polda Metro Jaya Headquaters.

Jakarta – Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Pol Karyoto rotated 37 Kapolsek within the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya. This rotation was stated in telegram letters Number ST/327/VIII/KEP./2023, ST/328/VIII/KEP./2023, and ST/329/VIII/KEP./2023 dated 11 August 2023.

The following is a list of the 37 Kapolsek in Polda Metro Jaya who have been rotated;

Polres Metro Jakarta Pusat:

1. Kapolsek Menteng, originally AKBP Samian, has now been replaced by Kompol Irwandhy Idrus. AKBP Saiman was appointed in a new position as Kasubdit 4 Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya.

2. Kapolsek Kemayoran, originally held by Kompol Ardiansyah, is now filled by Kompol Rustian. Kompol Ardiansyah is entrusted with serving as Head of Unit 4 Sub Directorate 6 of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya.

3. Kapolsek Cempaka Putih Kompol Bernard Bachtera was appointed to a new position as Head of Soetta Airport Police Headquarters. His position at the Polsek Cempaka Putih was replaced by Kompol Dimas Aditya.

4. Kapolsek Johar Baru, originally occupied by Kompol Rudy Wiransyah, has now been replaced by Kompol Ubaidillah. Meanwhile, Kompol Rudy Wiransyah was appointed to a new position as the Polsek Cikarang Selatan.

5. Kapolsek Senen, who was originally carried out by Kompol David Pratama Purba, has now been replaced by AKP Bambang Santoso. Kompol Davi takes on a new position as the Kapolsek Pasar Minggu.

Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan:

1. Kapolsek Mampang, who was originally held by Kompol Mashuri, was replaced by Kompol David Yunior Kanitero. Kompol Mashuri was appointed in a new position as Associate Investigator 4 of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya.

2. Kapolsek Pancoran, originally held by Kompol Panji Ali Candra, is now filled by Kompol Sujarwo. Kompol Panji Ali Candra himself has filled the new position as the Kapolsek Cakung.

3. Kapolsek Pasar Minggu from Kompol Rusit Malacca was replaced by Kompol David Pratama Purba. Kompol Rusit now occupies a new position as Kapolsek Kramat Jati.

4. Kapolsek Tebet, previously held by Kompol Chytia Intania Kusnita, is now filled by Kompol Jamalinus. Kompol Chytia was appointed in a new position as Kapolsek Jatinegara.

5. Kapolsek Jagakarsa, formerly Kompol Multazam Lisendra, has now been replaced by AKP Iwan Gunawan. Kompol Multazam was appointed in a new position as Head of Traffic Unit of the Depok Metro Police.

Polres Metro Jakarta Barat:

1. Kapolsek Cengkareng Kompol Hasoloan Situmorang was appointed to a new position as Deputy Head of Narcotics Unit for the East Jakarta Metro Police. His position at the Polsek Cengkareng was replaced by Kompol Sutrisno.

2. Kapolsek Kembangan Kompol Ubaidillah was appointed to a new position as Kapolsek Cikarang Selatan. His position has now been replaced by Kompol Billy Gustiano.

3. Kapolsek Kalideres AKP Syafri Wasdar was appointed to a new position as Head of West Jakarta Metro Police HR sub-bagwatpers. His position is now replaced by Kompol Abdul Jana.

4. Kapolsek Palmerah, Kompol Dodi Abdulrohim, was appointed to a new position as Head of Unit 2 Sub Directorate 4 of Ditintelkam Polda Metro Jaya. His position is now replaced by Kompol Slamet.

Polres Metro Jakarta Timur:

1. Kapolsek Cakung Kompol Syarifah Chaira Sukma was appointed to a new position as Head of Unit 5 Sub Directorate 5 of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya. The position of Kapolsek Cakung has now been replaced by Kompol Panji Ali Candra.

2. Kapolsek Ciracas, Kompol Muhammad Budiyono, was replaced by Kompol Agung Ardiansyah. Kompol Muhammad Budiyono has now been appointed in a new position as Head of Unit 5 Sub Directorate 2 of Ditintelkam Polda Metro Jaya.

3. Kapolsek Pasar Rebo, Kompol Agung Ardiansyah was appointed to a new position as the Kapolsek Ciracas. His position has now been replaced by Kompol Haris Akhmat.

4. Kapolsek Kramat Jati, Kompol Tuti Aini, was appointed to a new position as the West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Satbinmas. His position was replaced by Kompol Rusit Malacca.

Polres Metro Jakarta Utara:

1. Kapolsek Cilincing, Kompol Haris Akhmat, was appointed to a new position as the Kapolsek Pasar Rebo. His position at the Polsek Cilincing was replaced by Kompol Fernando.

2. Kapolsek Koja, previously occupied by Kompol Anak Agung, has now been replaced by Kompol M Syahroni. Kompol Anak Agung has now been appointed to a new position as Deputy Head of North Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit.

Polres Metro Tangerang Kota:

1. Kapolsek Neglasari, Kompol Purwadi, was appointed to a new position as Head of South Tangerang Metro Police. The position of the Kapolsek Neglasari has now been replaced by AKP Dikie Wahyudi.

2. Kapolsek Cipondoh, Kompol Aryono, was appointed to a new position as Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang City Police. The position of the Kapolsek Cipondoh has now been replaced by Kompol Evarmon.

3. Kapolsek Teluk Naga, AKP Marbintang, was replaced by Kompol Anggie Agus. AKP Marbintang was transferred as Head of Spiripim Polda Metro Jaya.

Polres Metro Bekasi Kota:

1. Kapolsek Bekasi Utara, Kompol Arwan was appointed to a new position as Head of Subdivision and Ops for Polres Metro Jakarta Timur. His position has now been replaced by Kompol Yuliati.

Polres Metro Bekasi:

1. Kapolsek Babelan, Kompol Sutrisno, was appointed to a new position as the Kapolsek Kebon Jeruk. His position was replaced by Kompol Maulana Mukarom.

2. Kapolsek Cikarang Barat, Kompol Sutrisno was appointed to a new position as Kapolsek Cengkareng. His position was replaced by AKP Rusnawati.

3. Kapolsek Cikarang Selatan, Kompol Chaled Thayib was appointed in a new position as Head of Unit 1 Sub Directorate 6 of Ditintelkam Polda Metro Jaya. His position was replaced by Kompol Rudy Wiransyah.

4. Kapolsek Sukatani, AKP Wito was appointed to a new position as Head of Sub-Division of Faskon Polres Metro Bekasi. His position was replaced by AKP Eva Sudiyono.

5. Kapolsek Cikarang Pusat, AKP Awang Parikesit was appointed in a new position as Pama Polres Metro Tangerang Kota. His position was replaced by AKP Untung Riswaji.

Polres Metro Depok:

1. Kapolsek Bojongsari, Kompol Yogi Maulana was appointed to a new position as Head of Sub-Division of Bidhumas Polda Metro Jaya. His position is now replaced by Commissioner Yefta Ruben.

2. Kapolsek Sukmajaya, Kompol Gana Yudha, was appointed to a new position as Head of Unit 4 Sub Directorate 2 of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya. His position was replaced by Kompol Margiyono.

Polres Tangerang Selatan:

1. Kapolsek Cisauk, AKP James Herizanto, was appointed to a new position as Pama Polres, South Tangerang. His position is now replaced by AKP Dhady Arsya.

2. Kapolsek Pondok Aren, Kompol Endy Mahandika was appointed to a new position as PS Head of Ops for the Tangerang City Metro Police. His position was replaced by Kompol Bambang Askar Sodiq.

3. Kapolsek Curug, Kompol Bambang Sugibarto was appointed to a new position as Wakapolsek Gambir. His position is now replaced by Kompol Sugeng.

4. Kapolsek Kelapa Dua, AKP Verdika Bagus was appointed to a new position as PS Wakasatreskim Polres Metro Depok. His position was replaced by Kompol Victor Berlyantho.

5. Kapolsek Pagedangan, AKP Seala Syah Alam was appointed to a new position as PS Kasiyanmin Ditintelkam Polda Metro Jaya. His position was replaced by AKP Daniel Dirgala.

6. Kapolsek Pamulang, Kompol Fiernando Ardiansyah was appointed to a new position as Head of Unit 1 Sub Directorate 4 of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya. The position of Kapolsek Pamulang is now filled by Kompol Ghulam Nabhi. Bembo

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