Kapolda Lampung Opens Diktuk Bintara Polri Phase II in 2023

Kapolda Lampung Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika pinned a student's badge at the opening of the 2023 2023 Batara Bintara Diktuk for the National Police on last Tuesday, (25/7).

Lampung – Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika opened the Education and Formation (Diktuk) of Bintara Polri Phase II in 2023 at the Kemiling State Police School (SPN), Bandar Lampung last Tuesday, (25/7) morning.

In his address, Kapolda Helmy read a written remark from the Kalemdiklat Polri, Komjen Pol Panca Putra Simanjuntak. it says,
to the students of the National Police commissioned officers, it is necessary to remember that taking Diktuk education is a result of a long struggle and the fruit of perseverance, tenacity, earnestness, as well as the prayers and support of parents.

“Welcome to the educational institution and formation of the National Police. Here you will be educated and forged into professional Tribrata Humans. So, take advantage of this opportunity to study and practice seriously and responsibly,” said Polda Helmy.

“Students will certainly be faced with various series of educational and training activities that are quite tough and tiring for the next five months.”

“Therefore, the Head of the Education and Training Center hopes that the students will have a strong determination to take part in and complete this entire series of educational activities properly,” he continued.

Kapolda Lampung Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika.

Furthermore, Kapolda Helmy Santika also conveyed happy learning and practicing to the students. He also left a message to the Kasatdik, teachers, educators, instructors and caretakers so that they can educate good Polri candidates.

“Provide the best service to students while attending education, carry out this noble task sincerely and with full dedication, so that the education program can run safely and smoothly until the end of education later,” said Kapolda Helmy in his address.

The opening ceremony for the Diktuk Bintara Polri Battalion was also attended by Waka Polda Lampung Brigadier General Pol Umar Effendi, Irwasda Polda Lampung Brigadier General Pol Sustri Bagus and Main Officials of the Lampung Police.

The non-commissioned officer students who took part in the Second Batch of Diktuk at SPN Kemiling Polda Lampung totaled 301 people. Bembo

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