It’s Official, the SIM C Practice Exam Circuit at the Satpas SIM Polda Metro  has Changed to the Letter S

The SIM C practice exam circuit at the Satpas SIM Polda Metro Jaya, Jl Daan Mogot Raya, West Jakarta, was officially changed by the Korlantas Polri from the number 8 model to the letter S model.

Jakarta – Korlantas Polri officially changed the circuit model for the practice test for making a motorcycle driving license (SIM) from the shape of the number 8 to the letter S. observations at the Daan Mogot SIM Satpas, West Jakarta, Friday, (4/8) afternoon, the shape of the practice exam track has indeed changed its design. Not only changing the design but also changing the dimensions to be wider than before.

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This circuit model the same as the design shared by Korlantas Polri. On the side of the track there are tubes painted in black and white. The tube was not stuck into the ground.

Even so, the new trajectory of the letter S model cannot be used by the public for practical driving license tests. The circuit is still in the system maintenance stage. Bembo

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