Jakarta – Kapolda Metro Jaya Irjen Pol Karyoto and Pangdam Jaya Mayjen TNI Mohamad Hasan signed a cooperation agreement between Polda Metro Jaya and Kodam Jaya. This event took place at the Polda Metro Jaya Headquarters. Friday, (24/11).
Head of the Polda Metro Jaya Operations Bureau, Kombes Pol Marsudianto, said that the aim and purpose of signing the cooperation agreement between Polda Metro Jaya and Kodam Jaya was as a guideline for realizing synergy and integration in the implementation of the duties and functions of Polda Metro Jaya and Kodam Jaya.
“The signing of this collaboration is a guideline for the parties to increase synergy and integration in improving communication, coordination and collaboration in carrying out tasks. This serves to ensure the maintenance of security and public order,” said Kombes Pol Marsudianto.
By signing this cooperation agreement, he continued, it is hoped that the parties can further strengthen the solidarity of the TNI-Polri to jointly maintain the security and order of the people of DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.
Also present at the activity were the West Jayakarta Regional Military Commander, the East Jayakarta Regional Military Commander, the Wakapolda of Metro Jaya, the Main Officials of the Regional Police of Metro Jaya and the Kapolres of the Polda Metro Jaya. Bembo