Dishub DKI will Review the Implementation of the Kapolri Proposed Motorbike Gage

Implementation of odd-even (gage) for motorized vehicles on highways.

Jakarta – The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) will review proposals regarding the implementation of odd-even (gage) for two-wheeled vehicles or motorbikes in the capital city. As for odd-even for motorbikes, it was proposed by the Kapolri, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

“We will study this further in a comprehensive manner,” said Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, some time ago.

He said that so far his party had not received any direction regarding the gage discourse for motorbikes. He said that a number of further studies must be carried out.

“Not yet (there are any directions), because we have to carry out a comprehensive study, not only looking at the traffic side, but how economic, social and other activities affect the implementation,” he said.

Separately, the Official (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, responded casually regarding the gage proposal for motorbikes. The study, he said, would be carried out by the DKI Provincial Government together with Polda Metro Jaya.

“Yes, think about it. All of this must be studied together with the Regional Police,” said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall

Furthermore, when asked whether gage for two-wheeled vehicles could be implemented in Jakarta, Heru could not answer. The reason is that studies related to this discourse have not been carried out. Bembo

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