Jakarta – Kapolda Metro Jaya Irjen Pol Karyoto carried out a refresher on the rotation of strategic positions for 21 middle officers (Pamen) within Polda Metro Jaya. The 21 Pamen affected by the refresher rotation consisted of 9 Sector Police Chiefs (Kapolsek), 1 Deputy Head of Resort Police (Wakapolres) and 11 Unit Heads (Kasat).
This strategic position rotation is stated in Telegram Letter Number ST/453/XI/KEP/2023 dated 21 November 2023.
“It’s true, the TR (telegram) is in the context of a ‘tour of duty’ and organizational refreshment to serve to protect the community,” said Kabid Humas of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, Wednesday, (21/11)
The following is a list of 21 Pamen affected by job rotation:
1. Kebayoran Baru Police Chief Kompol Tribuana Roseno was appointed to a new position as the first policy analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by AKBP Agung Wibowo.
2. Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama was appointed to a new position as the first policy analyst for the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by Kompol Donny Agung Harvida.
3. Kelapa Gading Police Chief Kompol Vokky Herlambang was appointed to a new position as Kaurlitpers Subbidpaminal Bidpropam Polda Metro Jaya. His position was replaced by Kompol Maulana Mukarom.
4. Pasar Minggu Police Chief Kompol David Pratama Purba was appointed to a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by Kompol Anggiat Sinambela.
5. Menteng Police Chief Kompol Irwandhy Idrus was appointed to a new position as First Policy Analyst for the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by Kompol Bayu Marfiando
6. Penjaringan Metro Police Chief Kompol M Probandono Bobby Danuardi was appointed to a new position as First Policy Analyst for the Metro Jaya Police Human Resources Bureau for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by Police Kompol Agus Ady Wijaya.
7. Batu Ceper Police Chief, Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol Susida Aswita, was appointed to a new position as Head of the Tangerang City Metro Police Subdivision and Bagren. His position was replaced by Kompol Gunawan.
8. Cibarusah Police Chief, Bekasi Metro Police, AKP Arie Andhika Silamukti was appointed to a new position as Head of Unit 19 of the BPKB Sub-Directorate, Traffic Directorate, Metro Jaya Police. His position was replaced by AKP Yendri Zen, who previously served as Deputy Chief of West Cikarang Police.
9. West Cikarang Police Chief AKP Rusnawati was appointed to a new position as Head of the Bekasi City Metro Police. His position was replaced by Kompol Gurnard Patiran.
10. Deputy Chief of Police for Tanjung Priok Port, Police Kompol Yunita Natalia Rungkat, was appointed to a new position as Head of Traffic for South Jakarta Metro Police. His position was replaced by Kompol Robby Hefados.
11. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Tanjung Priok Port Police is now filled by Iptu I Gusti Ngurah Putu Krishna Harayana.
12. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Bekasi City Metro Police, Kompol Tri Buana Yudha, was appointed to a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the HR Bureau of the Metro Jaya Police for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by Police Kompol Muhammad Firdaus.
13. Head of North Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Kompol Slamet Riyanto, was appointed to a new position as First Policy Analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by AKBP Prasetyo Noegroho.
14. Head of Central Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Research Unit, Kompol Rango Siregar, was appointed to a new position as First Policy Analyst for the HR Bureau of Metro Jaya Police for the 2024 Sespimmen.
15. The head of the Tanjung Priok Port Police Narcotics Unit has now been eliminated by AKP Arief Bastomy.
16. Head of the South Tangerang Metro Police Narcotics Unit is now held by AKP Bachtiar Noprianto.
17. Head of Traffic Unit for South Tangerang Police, AKP Narendra Rian Agusta, was appointed to a new position as Head of Unit 10, STNK, Sub-Directorate Regident, Traffic Directorate, Polda Metro Jaya. His position was replaced by Iptu Rokhmatulloh.
18. South Jakarta Metro Police Head of Traffic Police Kompol Bayu Marfiando was appointed to a new position as Menteng Police Chief. His position was replaced by Kompol Yunita Natalia Rungkat.
19. Head of Traffic for the Bekasi Metro Police, Kompol Happy Saputra, was appointed to a new position as First Policy Analyst for the HR Bureau of the Metro Jaya Police for the 2024 Sespimmen. His position was replaced by Kompol Nopta Histaris Suzan.
20. Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters is now held by Kompol Ridha Poetera Aditya.
21. Head of PJR Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Sutikno was appointed to a new position as Junior Policy Analyst for PJR Sector Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya. His position was replaced by Kompol Hasby Ristama. Bembo