Jakarta – Two suspects in the South Jakarta pornographic film case with the initials SE (27 year old woman) and AT (30 year old man) were married at Polda Metro Jaya. The wedding of the two suspects took place on Saturday, September 9 2023 at 13.00 WIB.
“The wedding was held at the investigation office of the Cyber Sub-Directorate of Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya,” said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya, Police Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak in a written statement, Monday, (2/10).
The wedding of the two suspects was attended by five people, namely a headman, two witnesses, SE’s guardian, and SE’s mother. Police Commissioner Ade said that their wedding had been planned for a long time before they were arrested by the Metro Jaya Police.
Every prisoner, he said, still has the right to marry. He guaranteed that his staff were ready to facilitate this wish.
“They just have to submit an application. We will facilitate it, such as providing space at the police station and officers from the KUA,” he explained.
According to Police Commissioner Ade, weddings may be held as long as they do not interfere with the investigation process. The marriage contract between SE and AT also took place simply at the police station to prevent prisoners from escaping.
“Furthermore, after the marriage ceremony, the two suspects were detained again at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center,” he said.
Apart from the right to marry, Police Commissioner Ade Safri continued, detainees who are still students also have the right to take exams. Investigators will facilitate and coordinate with the campus if possible to carry out the exam via online or Zoom.
In the case of this South Jakarta porn film production house, SE is the secretary of the production house as well as the female actor. Meanwhile, AT is a sound technician or sound engineer from the Bintang Bintang production house in South Jakarta belonging to the suspect Irwansyah.
In this case, the police have arrested other perpetrators with the initials AIS and JAAS. The results of the pornographic films produced by Irwansyah were uploaded to three sites which have now been blocked, namely classstar.com, togefilm.com, and boscinema.com with a total of 120 films produced. Bembo